The Legends Battle Roadmap

------------------------Stage 1 (Q4 2021 / Q1 2022) -----------------------------

  • Doing KYC procedures of the LEGENDSBATTLE Team members.

  • Listing over CoinMarketCap, CoinGecko

  • Presale Launch and Liquidity Locked

  • Releasing the Teaser for the launch of the LEGENDSBATTLE Alpha.

----------------------------Stage 2 (Q2 2022) ------------------------------------

  • Starting the development, testing the base gameplay, game servers, and block chains links.

  • Working on the 3D Modelling of the LEGENDSBATTLE Universe.

  • Doing the Level-Design of cities, mine, working on the Lore of the game.

  • Preparing the Proof-Of-Concept of the Game using Unity WebGL,Node.js

  • Working on all the game aspects, the client/server, and connections between the centralization/decentralization services of NFTs.

----------------------------Stage 3 (Q3 2022) ------------------------------------

  • Guilds system to team up with your mates with daily/weekly objectives to reach for rewards or bonus rates.

  • Adding an event system season with special unique NFT’s with specific new bosses (new limited cosmetic…).

  • DAO governance to vote on event themes, next milestones on the roadmap to achieve, and nerf or upgrades to make in-game gameplay updates (capped by wallet in terms of percentage).

  • Visual design in-game for statistics and information on LBT value and price moves.

  • Online ladders to see all players, their e-levels and reputations + uniqueness of inventories NFTs

----------------------------Stage 4 (Q4 2022) ------------------------------------

  • PVP system, dual between players in-game to compete and bets a certain amount of LBT in the fight, the winner wins the entire bet.

  • Integration of a Legendsbattle Proof-Of-Stake blockchain to reduce at maximum fees for playing.

  • More unique dungeons and epic items Legendsbattle to loot in the mine.

Last updated